
Friday, May 9, 2014

To the Jews At the Kansas City Jewish Center

To the Jews At the Kansas City Jewish Center

We love you. We like you. We care about you. We really want you to be happy. One thing we know, however, is that mass shootings , even those that are aimed towards religious communities (in the United States at least) are hardly ever motivated by religious persecutors. 

CNN is alluding to the idea that the Kansas City Jewish Center Shooting was a hate crime. 

For all we know, it is just an idea.

In the past, shootings at churches, mosques, temples, and shrines have very rarely been motivated by religious persecutors. 

At least not in the United States.

CNN is proposing an idea that should not be at the forefront of people's minds on this issue as it is an idea that has rarely crossed the mind of past shooters who opened fire in religious areas and buildings. 

Again, if you look every mass shooter in the United States' history, shooters rarely discuss their motivations in even non-religious surroundings as being motivated by religious persecution.

Sure, the Virginia Tech shooter believed he was Jesus Christ reincarnated. Marilyn Manson though he was doing God's work, and many genocides have been carried out in the name of religion.

But, if you label this as what it is, a mass shooting, and you run the numbers against every other mass shooting in the United States' history the odds of it being motivated by religious persecution is actually a minority of the numbers. More often than not, that is, it will not be motivated by religion in any way.

As such the odds that this is was a religiously motivated persecution of Jews is statistically inappropriate. 

A better way to rephrase this would be, "Although statistically unlikely, the odds of the shooting being motivated by religious persecution was recently declared by us as an appropriate possibility. However, seeing as the we've now run the numbers and it is statistically inappropriate to allude to the idea we have rescinded that statement as we recognize a clearly hasty allusion was made and it was intended solely to garner media publicity at the expense of causing mass hysteria throughout the Jewish Community. We apologize for our greed and our crass narcissism."

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