
Friday, May 9, 2014

Armed Gunmen

Armed Gunmen

In the news recently was the Fort Hood Shooting at the Fort Hood Military Base in Killeen, Texas.

This is the second time there has been a massacre at that same exact military base.

The last shooting was five years ago. Many believe this shooting was a 5 year anniversary celebration of the last Fort Hood shooting.

This was an unfortunate reminder to myself that I simply have zero tolerance or sympathy for armed gunmen. Period. I have none. They die dishonorable deaths in my opinion and those whose lives they stole deserve memorials. On the other hand I question the reason that armed gunmen do the things they do. I do agree that in many armed gunmen situations it has later been revealed that the shooter was bullied, chastised, hated, and reviled by his peers.

I don't think that's fair.

I think it's beyond all doubt that if such actions could lead to an armed massacre that perhaps what it is that makes people human beings, a soul, can be easily pushed into a corner and made to feel defenseless and, as all know, when you corner something and aim for its weak spot typically it's a life or death scenario for that thing and if it survives than there's no telling just how badly the consequences could be.

Proportional Retaliation was not an option for people such as the Columbine Shooters, the Virginia Tech Shooter, or the Fort Hood Shooters.

Otherwise, why would they have done what they did?

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