
Friday, May 9, 2014



Guns are a bit of a big issue for me. I've had mixed experience with guns. Both legal and illegal experiences. Self-defense situations as well as sports-shooting experiences. Unfortunately I've long since acknowledged that there are gun laws on the books today that I feel are not strict enough considering that I know people who I myself do not consider as fit to own a firearm that own several. 

In my experience these individuals do own firearms and are not afraid to use them against individuals whom they've disrespected openly in public and treat with the utmost disrespect imaginable. 

They have bad things coming to them and don't respect human life or dignity and are not afraid to violate it if they see fit to do so. 

Gun laws have not closed the capability of individuals such as these from acquiring firearms and I doubt it ever will. The black market for guns is unimaginably large and the legal market is largely unregulated.

In America, today, you can go out and by a gun as a gift for someone else other than yourself without naming that person on any legal document before, during, or after leaving the point of sale and the gun can pretty much go anywhere from that point be it legally, illegally or otherwise. 

It can be sold to a schizophrenic on the street who sells heroine to scrape by and support his own addiction or a family friend who still has two years until he can buy his own guns but has been depressed lately.
Guns, in my opinion, need stricter regulations.

- The Blogging Boss

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