
Friday, May 9, 2014

Parental Appreciation

Parental Appreciation

How, if I could, show my parents the much needed appreciation they so desired and desire even now. Some quality time wouldn't be half bad now would it? I actually happen to have a bit of a distant relationship with both sides of the family but for different reasons that eventually result similarly. 

In my opinion, they're both awesome in their own ways and deserve more credit. Also it would be my honor to ensure that they meet every last item on their bucket list if possible including and not limited to immortality.

Well isn't that a pleasant thought?
Not for some though.

Friends from many families have explained to me their tumultuous relationships with their parents. Episodes of abuse, rape, molestation, retardation, and so on dot my mind. There can be some very bad people out there who end up parents and don't change for their children. 

At that point there is little to nothing that can be done for the parent.

Parents tend to be good however. Households tend to be strong. Family units are designed to keep the family together although, ironically, there is an ongoing movement that is dating the observation that the family unity actually pulls families apart due to the enormous constraints it places on the individuals involved and thus the concept of the nuclear family is an outdated one.

Respect your Parents. Respect your Guardians. They'll do more for you than you'll ever know.

Family First!

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