
Friday, May 9, 2014

The Internet

The Internet

I appreciate the Internet more than words can express.

Without the Internet my life would be completely different, guaranteed a million times over.

Can't say for certain whether it'd be for better or for worse however. 

Most Millennials know of the personal computer and the Internet, they know little of CERN however. 

Nowadays newspapers are becoming obsolete and most people under the age of majority rarely use them.

I can't recall the last time I saw someone actually buy a newspaper from a newspaper box.

CNN has the latest for anyone whose interested in news.

If you need to research an assignment or anything for that matter there's Wikipedia.

If you need money there's plenty on online banks and currencies such as Chase Bank.

If you need food you can easily order pizza online and order groceries through various grocery store delivery programs especially if you're a Senior Citizen or handicapped.

Hell, there's very little you can't get a hold of on the internet. 

The Internet

You can order entertainment, movies, even drugs on the internet.

People in places such as Washington, Colorado, and Uruguay place orders for Marijuana and Hashish to Marijuana delivery services, 

Practically anything can be provided via the internet. 

School, Food, Entertainment, Mail-Order Brides, a Job. 

The internet can provide pretty much everything directly or indirectly. 

I can't think of many reasons I don't appreciate the internet. 

It wastes time you could spend doing all of the above listed things without the aid of internet technology designed to quicken and simplify the process?



Not too many I've been a victim of or don't have procedure for. 

Yep, I appreciate the Internet.

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