
Friday, May 9, 2014

Video Games

Video Games

Who doesn't like video games?


Everybody loves video games except those who don't play them at which point they have no inclusion on the matter of opinion. 

I, on the other hand, have played video games for as long as I can remember to way back when I would play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the Genesis. Sonic RPG(role-playing game)? Great. Super Mario RPG? Cool. Final Fantasy? Wonderful. War of the Gems? Amazing. All, however, are fantastic video games. 

Modern Gaming, on the other hand, has come VERY far and has become incredibly realistic and graphic (no pun intended). 

Hours and hours and hours of time, years of life (literally) have been spent in-game on leveling up, increasing stats, farming currency, defeating bosses, getting 100%,, finding secrets, easter-eggs, cheats, and so on.

As a hobby it is personally one of my favorites, relaxing, engaging, testing, interrogative, and interactive.

I recommend it to anyone whose interested.

Right now I happen to be playing Dark Souls 2 and it is quite the game. I've spent probably 20 hours on it over the past month or so. Man, it is difficult. I die a lot. But, in the end my resolve pushes me through and strikes down my obstacles no matter how impossible the odds are that face me.

Game On.

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