
Friday, May 9, 2014

Emo Kids, Raver Kids, and Gangsters

Emo Kids, Raver Kids, and Gangsters

Emo Kids

No. Just no. Emo kids WANT your sympathy. They THRIVE on your sympathy. They're so desperate for it and yet never show any of it. They refuse to show any signs of sympathy with anyone they actually know on a regular basis. Emo kids slash their wrists. I can't sympathize with or support self-harm. They also tend to be pretty low on the intelligence scale. Which, of course, they make up for by making intelligent decisions so long as their favorite band also supports those decisions which isn't actually a viable decision making process but hey.

Raver Kids

Like their emo cousins, raver kids tend to absorb ludicrous amounts of narcotics over a very short period of time oftentimes resulting in the long anticipated and long awaited drug overdose at which point the raver tends to continue affiliating with the same individuals the raver hung out with who dealt them drugs causing the overdose, resulting in a relapse and eventually a second OD. They attend Raves at least monthly but typically weekly or bi-weekly. Have "candy" or an assortment of beads, bracelets, and braid arrangements around the arms and wrists that signify rank, achievement, and stature in the rave community. 


Honestly, who has sympathy for those who have none except for perhaps the people they've killed or their "homies" what with their "ride or die" mentalities based entirely on a culture of "us before all else" no matter what it might be save for a bullet wound. Gangsters hustle, they earn, they're oftentimes "strapped" (possess a firearm) and are dangerous. Do not approach if unnecessary as they will likely either try to mug you, disrespect you, or shoot you because they thought you were from a rival gang.

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