
Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Drug Enforcement Administration

The Drug Enforcement Administration 

A little while back I did an article covering various branches of the federal government of the United States and I figured, why not cover them more extensively?

Why not expand?

This time I'll be covering the federal government institution known as the DEA, or the Drug Enforcement Administration.

File:Burning hashish seized in Operation Albatross.jpg
D.E.A. Agents in Afghanistan during Operation Albatross burning Hashish
Now, there's a few things you should probably know about the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Firstly, it wasn't always called the Drug Enforcement Administration or the DEA.

It didn't even have a single name and it wasn't a single institution.

It was two institutions, and each had their own name.

These two institutions were the Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement or O.D.A.L.E., and the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs or B.N.D.D. 

The Administration didn't even exist until President Richard Nixon decided to merge the two institutions O.D.A.L.E. and B.N.D.D. into the D.E.A., or Drug Enforcement Administration via the Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973. 

This plan merged O.D.A.L.E. and B.N.D.D. along with several other various preexisting agencies into one massive drug fighting and drug control agency.

The Drug Enforcement Administration draws the majority of its power to enforce the law through the Controlled Substances Act signed into law by Richard Nixon in 1970 which established a list of substances the Federal Government deemed illegal and ranked them according to how dangerous they were with Schedule I being considered most dangerous and Schedule III being considered least dangerous.

The organization has come under massive scrutiny in recent months due to overwhelming intelligence failures and media pressure caused by the 2013 Mass Surveillance Exposures of the National Security Agency and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

In the wake of these revelations, the Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Operations Division (S.O.D.) responsible for wire tapping, intelligence interceptions, and database hacking was heavily scrutinized by the public. 

D.E.A. officials have been accused of carrying out search and seizure operations on the basis of profit.

Entire drug operations were collected and taken away regardless of whether they were considered "legal" or not.

Many of these operations were involving the closing of the medical marijuana clinics whose marijuana was being sold to the elderly, disabled, and terminally ill.

Libertarians speaking out against government claim this was a ploy on the part of the DEA to confiscate the funds created by the medical marijuana business as their own.

The current annual budget for the Drug Enforcement Administration is around 1,200,000,000.00 United States Dollars paid for largely by taxpayers. medical practitioners who require D.E.A. licenses to practice their medicines, and seizures of "illegal" contraband from drug businesses who "violate" federal laws.

Libertarians vehemently oppose the existence of the Drug Enforcement Administration and see its very existence as a threat to the civil rights of United States Citizens and all Citizens for that matter.

Libertarians believe that individuals have the right to ingest whatever substance they see fit for whatever reason they specify and interfering with an individuals right to do so is a matter of infringing on their civil rights.

Drug Enforcement Administration Raid
Drug Enforcement Administration Raid
Accordingly, Libertarians argue that when someone ingests a substance and violates another person's civil rights it is a matter of civil rights and not of narcotics.


Many believe the Drug Enforcement Administration has become a massive Drug War Waging Machine.

Much of the violence caused by those involved in narcotics is due to what has been witnessed in terms of brutality by the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States on domestic and foreign nationals over the course of the "drug war".

Drugs are not the root of the problem when it comes to whether or not America will die.

In fact, the massive cost of the drug war and the violence it creates as well as the hostility towards other nation's citizens is what is killing America.

Policing the world and wanting to be the Cops all the time is fun but think about the people who always have to play the Robbers. Metaphorically speaking, the Robbers are every family, organization, and human being the Drug Enforcement Administration has ever put out of business to fill its own coffers with money and continue waging its Drug War while maintaining its salaries.

The Drug Enforcement Administration terrifies medical practitioners, doctors, alternative medicine enthusiasts, and all manner of individual whose business practices toe the line between state and federal laws on the topic of Controlled Substances regardless if they are up to date with presidential policies on the issue.

If only the Federal Government could understand that allowing the people to decide what to do with their own bodies was worthwhile then maybe drugs would't be such a massive issue in America and the entire world wouldn't need to be under the eye of the D.E.A., N.S.A., and D.A.R.P.A.

More information can be accessed at the following websites about the Drug Enforcement Administration.

1. Drug Enforcement Administration's Wikipedia Page
2. Drug Enforcement Administration's Official Website
3. Drug Enforcement Administration Raids Denver Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Cuts Open Safes

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