
Friday, May 9, 2014

Drug Addicts

Drug Addicts

Drug Addicts are people I have no sympathy for unless it is an extreme addiction caused by reliance on medication due to a severe, life-threatening injury requiring addiction and said addiction was acquired during your hospitalization. 

For instance, if you receive third-degree burns all over your body i'm not exactly gonna say I don't have sympathy for you since your addiction to Morphine acquired during your six month hospitalization from said burns now turned you into a morphine addict to feel better both physically and emotionally due to the severe depression and delirium you likely experience 24/7 due to extreme bodily, emotional, and cognitive deformities.

Drug Addicts tend to sell drugs in order to fund their addictions so money is not TYPICALLY an issue for them as those that don't have much tend to not get into hard core drugs that are much more expensive than the soft stuff.

As such, I don't expect there to be severe cases of irreversible deformity and destitution unless the person has so many addictions that they simply have let themselves go in all regards which, with harder drugs, is more common and also TYPICALLY occurs in people who have Addictive Personalities.

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