
Friday, May 9, 2014

Fast Food

Fast Food

Oh man you guys are going to hate me for this one and I understand but YOU gotta understand I REALLY appreciate Fast Food. For one reason and one reason ONLY, however.


I have never seen a place where I can get so much for so little, and don't come at me talking about how you can buy 100 Top-Ramen packets for 5 bucks or Lima-beans 100 for one dollar at the 99 cent depot or online or from china or blah blah blah.

American Hamburgers made on the grill with prime tender beef is expensive especially factoring in the coal, the tools, the grill/barbecue, the added time, and of course the lighter fluid, lighters, and the risk of losing your eyebrows. 

Let's be honest here, when you're on your way home or out with your friends or simply on your way to and from wherever it is you go you don't want to stop and load yourself into a crammed Supermarket to go pick up supplies and stand next to the creepy fucking dude whose been in prison twice who can't get his food stamps redeemed so he's threatening to kill someone or get stuck at the machine that's been busted 100 times yet the manager still won't fix it to reduce costs or the brat whose screaming for his life as his mother tells him no to the extra marshmallow super puff sugar cereal. 

You're hungry, and it's convenient.

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