
Friday, May 9, 2014



This post I wanted to cover something that is a major issue for many people.

The American Psychiatric Association reports that as many as one in five Americans (20%) suffer from some form of Depression.

As such, it only makes sense that many Americans as well as many human beings regardless of nationality experience suicidal thoughts, tendencies, attempts, or actual suicides.

When I was in high school suicide was a major issue as many high school students had witnessed suicides but never talked about them because they were still in shock for a while after it happened and it took a lot of quiet time for them to process it

Kurt Cobain, the lead singer from the world-famous band: "Nirvana" has been in the news recently as the anniversary of his death approaches on the 8th of April.

Dying of a self-inflicted shotgun blast to the head is a hell of a way to go.

As for the sadness that spread following his death. Many hailed him as the "John Lennon" of Generation X.
His death brought a sudden end to the Grunge Movement and stripped music of much of its flavor.

Suicide is a serious issue and if any individual is feeling seriously in need of assistance regarding the issue of suicide please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255.

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