
Friday, May 9, 2014

I Love Animals

I Love Animals

I don't know about you but I love animals. Not allergic, never have been. Had a dog since I was about 3 years old great dog loved him to death. When he did died he was put down due to multiple visible tumors protruding from his skin. It was the humane option. 

Essentially, I love animals. I have a new dog now. He's great, he's awesome he's young and cute and adorable but I can already sense him becoming anxious and upset and he's already destroyed much of the upholstery, clawed the doors, the door frames, the walls, the floor, he's even destroyed the trashcan and spattered my kitchen with food.

But, I love em. I take em for walks. I let em play at the Dog Park, and I even give him treats, pet him, get him bathed regularly, de-clawed, checked and prepped for flea baths, vaccines, the whole works. 

Yesterday he gave me a look that said he loved me and would never leave me but thankfully I have a heart of ice.

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