
Friday, May 9, 2014



Respecting one's elders should always be practiced. To not have respect for one's elders is to not have respect for one's self. The Elderly have given much of themselves to make this society what it is today whether through building our infrastructure, fighting war, saving economies, building futures, or some other modern miracle. 

The majority of individuals aged 65 years and older are what one considers their elders. Simply because someone is older than you does not automatically merit their respect and, of course, poor behavior should never merit respect. Elders, or Seniors, however do merit respect as they have been through far more than you and may even have gone through more than you ever will if you don't make it to old age. Respecting your elders may just earn you some secrets to long life.

Never under any circumstance should you insult or harm an elderly person. It is among the utmost disrespectful and indignant of acts. Shame and terrible luck will befall you. It's not exactly just a superstition either. 

Many people aren't aware but a large organization exists which acts as a political bloc for the elderly. This organization, known as the A.A.R.P. or the American Association of Retired Persons, consists of elderly individuals from all walks of life. War, Peace, East, West, you name it and a Senior Citizen has been there. 

If there is something to be taken from this blog post, it would be to consider whether or not there's an elder or senior citizen in your life, perhaps a member of the A.A.R.P., who you would consider helping out? There's not many days left for these brave souls. Age is a complex problem and scientific research in progressing the field revolving technologies designed to lengthen the average lifespan such as Biological Engineering are not advancing fast enough. 

Many Senior Citizens, on a regular basis, are forced to come to terms with their coming fatality. If there's anything you can do to help these individuals it is highly recommended, if not insisted upon in your community, to do so.

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