
Friday, May 9, 2014

The Aurora Shooting

The Aurora Shooting

Essentially, the picture above displays Heath Ledger. Heath Ledger famously played The Joker in the movie The Dark Knight and was famously quoted as being "scared of himself" while playing the role.
Ledger said he didn't like The Joker character and after filming was done Ledger soon overdosed.

The character Joker in the movie came to be associated with Heath Ledger's suicide and many problems afterwards have come about, arguably, as a result of this suicidal symbol.

That there can be such a strong popular culture symbol, The Joker, that is so closely associated with suicide is unthinkable.

In my opinion the movie should have never aired. That they considered it a testimony to the acting career of Heath Ledger felt insulting. 

Many cite the Dark Knight Movie Premiere on July 20, 2012 in Aurora, Colorado at the Century Theater in Downtown Aurora where the now infamous Aurora Theater Shooting occurred.

 It started when James Eagen Holmes walked into the movie in full riot squad gear armed to the teeth with military grade weaponry shot and injured 82 people, killing 12.

Afterwards, Holmes admitted that he wanted to be like, "The Joker" from "The Dark Knight", a character associated with mayhem, menacing, and, because of Heath Ledger, suicide.

In this person's opinion, what was done was humorous and said, "I'd do it again."

This individual felt no remorse and did in fact believe that what he did and what happened to 82 people who were shot, killed, or injured was comedic.

Now, if anyone thinks this is funny i'd question their definition of comedy.

Being in a situation such as the one Holmes was in would not be comedic as it would be terrifying. 

For Holmes it may have been comedic as he was in full control of the mayhem he'd created but there is not sense thing as comedy that derives it's value from human suffering. 

A few ill-reputed remarks? Sure

I feel a little angry about it afterwards? Great.

I get over it and we still dick around because we're cool like that? Of course.

Just don't crack any sarcastic, "I'm gonna commit an massacre and here's how" jokes.

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