
Sunday, May 18, 2014

"Every Rose has it's Thorn"

The meaning of the quote, "Every rose has it's thorn" is simple. 

Essentially, the idea is that there is no such thing as all good or all bad.

There are ups and downs to everything.

Benefits and consequences.

There is never something gained without something lost. 

Another quote with similar meaning would be:

"No pain, No gain." 

Funnily enough, sacrifice is arguably a more rewarding achievement after a certain income level.

After a certain level of income happiness tends to level out at which point sacrifice tends to become the main cause of happiness especially in the form of contribution or charity.

Friday, May 9, 2014

No Sympathy for Myspace

No Sympathy for Myspace

It's dying. It has been for a while. Just put yourself out of your own misery Myspace.

I hate to break it to you but the days where you could boast nine digit population rates is long gone and you're nothing more than a soap box for most nowadays. Facebook has long since been considered the King of social networking and since it's IPO it's been nothing if not embedded in the welfare of the very economy that invested so much to make it. Facebook has become us. We lose Facebook, the economy takes a hit. We stop using Facebook, the economy takes a hit. Embedding Facebook as an IPO was a good long term move on Zuckerberg's part but it's gonna take a while for Social Networking to die as a result and may cause the economy to fall if it does. Odds are it won't.

Social networking happens every day and is many people's "hustle" and, for many, requires the discipline of a steel wrecking ball. That was not a Miley Cyrus reference. Anyways.

Myspace is but a shadow of its former self and has long since been cast in the shadow of Facebook.

I'm really sorry you have to die Myspace, but such is life.

Individuals tend to dig their own holes in Life

Individuals tend to dig their own holes in Life

Time and time again I've seen individuals, including myself, with countless opportunities of prosperous fortunes that sank it all away squandering it on the good times of the present and refusing to simply,"get their shit together".

It's absurd really how some people can simply whirlwind through life not taking the slightest of commitments under their wing. It's disturbing, truly. Nothing matters more to most people than getting what's due them, I suppose, not what they're due others.

In many spots I've been, rough or smooth, I've always seemed to come out unscathed. Not that I cared much for those who didn't though. I always find myself wondering what happens to the people for whom all it comes down to is luck?

I can't help but feel disappointed that in even this day and age we can have life-altering processes based on such a thing as Luck, but such a thing is still present. Not that I care. I've long since forgotten most for whom the bell has tolled.

I hope you all get hives and scratch away.

Drug Addicts

Drug Addicts

Drug Addicts are people I have no sympathy for unless it is an extreme addiction caused by reliance on medication due to a severe, life-threatening injury requiring addiction and said addiction was acquired during your hospitalization. 

For instance, if you receive third-degree burns all over your body i'm not exactly gonna say I don't have sympathy for you since your addiction to Morphine acquired during your six month hospitalization from said burns now turned you into a morphine addict to feel better both physically and emotionally due to the severe depression and delirium you likely experience 24/7 due to extreme bodily, emotional, and cognitive deformities.

Drug Addicts tend to sell drugs in order to fund their addictions so money is not TYPICALLY an issue for them as those that don't have much tend to not get into hard core drugs that are much more expensive than the soft stuff.

As such, I don't expect there to be severe cases of irreversible deformity and destitution unless the person has so many addictions that they simply have let themselves go in all regards which, with harder drugs, is more common and also TYPICALLY occurs in people who have Addictive Personalities.

Armed Gunmen

Armed Gunmen

In the news recently was the Fort Hood Shooting at the Fort Hood Military Base in Killeen, Texas.

This is the second time there has been a massacre at that same exact military base.

The last shooting was five years ago. Many believe this shooting was a 5 year anniversary celebration of the last Fort Hood shooting.

This was an unfortunate reminder to myself that I simply have zero tolerance or sympathy for armed gunmen. Period. I have none. They die dishonorable deaths in my opinion and those whose lives they stole deserve memorials. On the other hand I question the reason that armed gunmen do the things they do. I do agree that in many armed gunmen situations it has later been revealed that the shooter was bullied, chastised, hated, and reviled by his peers.

I don't think that's fair.

I think it's beyond all doubt that if such actions could lead to an armed massacre that perhaps what it is that makes people human beings, a soul, can be easily pushed into a corner and made to feel defenseless and, as all know, when you corner something and aim for its weak spot typically it's a life or death scenario for that thing and if it survives than there's no telling just how badly the consequences could be.

Proportional Retaliation was not an option for people such as the Columbine Shooters, the Virginia Tech Shooter, or the Fort Hood Shooters.

Otherwise, why would they have done what they did?

Serial Killers

Serial Killers

This one should be a no-brainer (no pun intended) and yet I still find people who sympathize with individuals such as Jeffrey Dahmer, the Creek River Killer, the D.C. Sniper, and Marilyn Manson.

Now, i'll be the first person to tell you that if you think these people are deserving of any sympathy, you're wrong. They're like me, but worse. They not only have no sympathy, they have (arguably) zero emotion left.

They're your definition of a "cold-hearted" killer in that their passion has gone from a burning fire to a cold icy hearth. 

Serial Killers seem to have lowered their inhibitions to the point where they're willing to kill other individuals but they're not willing to kill themselves, unlike shooting sprees which tend to result in both killing others and oneself. This idea is a bit ironic when discussing human nature considering that most individuals that take their own lives haven't ever killed someone else. 



I have no sympathy for Christians. Christians believe that being Christian makes them special. Well, if you were one of the millions of Christians who fought in the Crusades you wouldn't think so.

Christian faiths make up the majority of the planet's religious base and honestly are the most common thing around. I hate it when Mormons come knocking at my door like I'm gonna become some sort of ascended saiyan by talking to them.

If not for polygamy and Mormonism's brutal obscene hatred of other christian sects I wouldn't understand why Mormons do it.

Still don't get the black people thing though.