
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hangovers are Ridiculous

dog, sleep. exhausted. couch

Hangovers are Ridiculous

Let me explain. 

Hangovers aren't ridiculous because they hurt, they sour your morning and seem to sap your energy for the rest of your day.

Hangovers are ridiculous because they won't go away.

Have you ever had a hangover that lasted two whole days? Well I have.

Hangovers aren't bad so much in that you can't stand them and they make your morning/day that much worse. Hangovers don't truly get bad until they start to mess up your WEEK,

When they start to mess up your week, THEN you may want to consider contacting AA. 

Honestly, Being an alcoholic is difficult. Most young people my age who are in college tend to be one. 

Oozing sweat at the gym that reeks of Bacardi.

Stinking like liquor in the morning with your family looking at you like a f*** up.

Your mates having to bask in one another's smell causing the entire hallway to notice the growing mist of alcohol in the air. 

You can't make this shit up.

"But hey," we always say, "it could be worse."

We all promise to never drink so much again, but for those of us who've already resigned ourselves to the fact that we will be drinking again and have stopped making up excuses, just compensate for it dude.

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