
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jared Allen hyped for Jay Ratliff, "uncanny" chemistry with K. Williams

Jared Allen hyped for Jay Ratliff, "uncanny" chemistry with K. Williams

Jared Allen. Defensive End for the Chicago Bears, revealed today his opinions of Jay Ratliff, the Defensive Tackle. Allen revealed that he had high hopes for Ratliff saying Allen was, "an absolute beast in the middle." He followed by citing his career experience with Pat and Kevin Williams and citing them as analogous to Jay Ratliff, "I've had the fortune to play with Pat and Kevin Williams and he's up there on that level with them." Allen cited Ratliff's abilities from the Hike,"What he can do from the nose tackle spot or the three-technique spot, not only in the run game, but in the pass game: That's huge. To have a guy that can consistently get 3 or 4 yards deep, a quarterback's got one way to go -- me or him. That, I'm really excited about." Clearly, Allen's support of Ratliff's capability to penetrate the defensive line is paramount to that of Kevin and Pat Williams.
                                                  Jared Allen          Jay Ratliff
Chicago Bears seem to be bringing the heat this season. As Allen and Kevin Williams also seemed to have developed "uncanny chemistry," boasting a strong defense.

                                                   Jared Allen     Kevin Williams


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