
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dog Park

Dog Park

I oftentimes take my dog to the dog park and while there notice the other dogs are quite ferocious. They are oftentimes mistreated by their owners and give the impression they know Michael Vick.

The last thing I want is for cute puppies to grow up into mean, destructive beings.....but, that tendency actually seems to be more common than not. I would've thought such a practice as dogfighting would decrease over time but you know what they say though,"Where there's money to be made, there's money to be won." 

These destructive beings reek havoc upon me, my dog, and other dogs simply looking for a companion to play with. These dogs will attack my dog, snapping, clawing, and outright mauling my dog and, if not for the owner's macing the dog every five seconds and not lightly might I add, I would've had to separate the dogs through more prejudicial means.

Dog Parks everywhere are filled with dogs simply looking for something tasty, and clearly dogs will be dogs, but if I know my dog as well as I trained it then that shouldn't be an issue. Thankfully my dog is a hunting dog and like other hunting breeds has the capability and size to hunt and subdue it's enemies on command. I will be learning and teaching these commands shortly.

Happy Hunting!

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