
Thursday, April 3, 2014



I've said it once i'll say it again, "The Supreme Court is bought."

The President appoints Justices and the Justices have gotten to appoint the President!

There was NO Democracy in that situation! Yes, the statement is a systematic attack on electoral loopholes designed to shift power into the hands of fewer and fewer people centralizing it in the hands of those who oftentimes already wield the most, implying an elite system does in fact exist.

I'll let you speculate on what I'm saying after i'm finished but you likely won't need to after i'm done.

This corrupt Judicial System needs to be completely eradicated and rebuilt from scratch. There are other ingredients involved in attaining Justice and these Justices don't know what they are.

These Supreme Court "Justices" would have you believe this is "fair" but it's nothing more than an elite group deciding for the "outsiders" how the "outsiders" should be governed, by passing laws that support nearly limitless campaign contributions ensuring that the richest person wins and if you haven't read the statistical facts on the contribution to victory ratio and inferred that there is an monumental improbability that spending has something to do with victory in "free and fair" elections in America you should do yourself in.

Politics played a deciding role in the 2012 U.S. Election and I expect it to play an even larger role in 2014, 2016, and beyond.

theguardian.com on the influence of the dollar in elections: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2012/jan/29/us-politics-vote-money-wins

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