
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Die an Honorable Death.

Die an Honorable Death. 

Take a picture. It lasts longer.
Be a good person.
Be nice to other people.
Don't hurt others.
Don't speak ill of other people.
Do your best.
Be the best.

Discipline yourself to be the best you can be. Then, only when you've conquered everything in your way can you ever settle.

Forget morals.
Forget Common Sense.

It doesn't matter to you anymore. It never matered to you.

Discuss, with yourself or others. Why? 

Why do what others tell me? 

Why have strings attached to every last move I ever make?

Every strategy, every plan, every obstacle, is dust. Nothingness.

Contradictions beget everything. 

Forgive and forget....right?

Don't be rude.

Be nice. Smile.

Take initiative.
Go out.
Buy something for yourself.

Spoil yourself.

You only live once.

Take a hit.
Take a swig.
Take somebody with you.

Don't be an outsider.

Insiders stay warm. Comfy. 

Their conduct is exemplary. 

Question everything.

Do anything else other than what they tell you to.

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