
Saturday, April 5, 2014



I couldn't fucking stand Skyrim. Yeah, it was fun for a cool minute but then I found out I had t fucking RUN everywhere until I got a horse. I was like, "Wow, what a fucking lame game."I mean honestly I literally had to get completely stoned just so I could get absorbed in the game. 

I literally had to be so into the game that I literally thought the game was REALITY, to actually be remotely intrigued by the environment. 

Wow, it was just so shitty.

I have to be at work in a few minutes so i'll make this short.

Cleared the story line in maybe a few days, at most?

There was literally so many fucking dragons trying to rip my head off, I wasn't sure if the glitched dragons were fair game or not but I wasn't complaining. 

Aright. Now that that's over with.

Plus sides. 

It as interactive, had cool stereotypical open-world shit like oblivion but a stronger game design with better physics and the graphics dramatically improved over the Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, or the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

All in all, definitely not worth the IGN rating and the script writers can eat a fat dick.

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