
Monday, March 31, 2014

Humanity has been turned into a race of slaves by Aliens.

Humanity has been turned into a race of slaves by Aliens.

There's nothing that can be done to stop them, they're everywhere. They've forced the humans into fields miles long and there's literally nothing that can be done to save them from their eventual fates. Then a fucking UNICORN came the fuck out of nowhere and starts IMPALING aliens on its horn fucking people up left and right hoofing their brains in and whiplashing them with it's tail firing rainbow laser beams out of its horn slicing entire rows of aliens into explosions. Then, the teenage mutant ninja turtles show up and start smacking the shit of the aliens cutting and slicing, smacking, choking, and breaking their will with each alien they slaughter, eventually destroying thousands.

The power rangers show up with shotguns and blow their heads off because fuck the power rangers.

The humans were eventually free by Unicorn and Friends and all was well.

The day was saved by Unicorn and Friends.

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