
Monday, March 31, 2014

Cowboys vs. Ninjas?

Cowboys vs. Ninjas?

Win the age old battle of cowboys vs ninjas one must examine the obvious unfortold and unforeseen paradoxes that undergird both. Essentially, Cowboys have guns ando lassos while at the same time typically riding horses as their mode of travel. They typically do well in duels like in the movies but rarely have the discipline of a ninja. They're prone to acts of sudden verility and dercisiveness that can lead to their sudden and oftentimes humorous audience appeal. Cowboys have always been known for their sharp reflexes, especially with their hands. They also tend to be pretty good with a rifle and can conceal weapons in the most unsuspecting of places such as in the Eastwood films.

Ninjas, on the other hand, are actually the epitome of discipline. They train for most of their lives and sacrifice love, lust, and the majority of what makes people not killing machines for the sake of concentration so strong and an agility so swift they can run on water. Ninjas also have ninja stars, or shurikens, which they use to subdue, maim, or mortally wound their opponents. Their pouch also oftentimes carries smoke bombs, knives, and other weapons and although ninjas don't usually have horses they do usually have the ability to jump from tree to tree using their almost internally combusted locomotive skills.

Based on these facts alone one could assert that ninjas are the clear victor, but...

That wouldn't be sportsmanlike would it? 

So what do you think?

Whose better in a fight, cowboys or ninjas?

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