
Monday, March 31, 2014

Obama, Putin, and Europe

Obama, Putin, and Europe

A Swat Team is about to break into your house and the entirety of five city blocks surrounding your home have been blocked off. You have ten seconds to prepare yourself before them battering ram your door, smashing it off its hinges and storm the place.

Just kidding, not another one of those god dam posts! Enough is enough!

Time for some awesome shit.

America is apparently doing better in the economy, Russia has decided it probably ISN'T gonna annex the Ukraine, Poland is kind of just chilling, and Germany is like, "Who needs money?"

Obama does look incredibly weak when it comes to his deals with Putin it's kind of like, "When is the Big O gonna lay the smack down and mop the floor with this guy!?" But hey, if a country won't defend itself for fear of severe overwhelming retaliation at the merest flinch of aggression from a defensive nation you're BONED.

Democracy flies out the window and might makes right, realities make for great reality television, and still being alive means those that are dead by default cannot have what you're fighting over.


In other news don't mention X or Y or Z or you'll die in a feminazi fire, a grammar nazi fire, or a labor nazi fire.


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