
Monday, March 31, 2014

Los Angeles Locals Only

Los Angeles Locals Only

So I was walking to my front door, stepped out cautiously, locked the door and tried opening it to make sure it was locked and it was......good. I made my way to my car and cautiously got in making sure there were no street urchins trying to attack me. Afterwards I unlocked my car door and got in, making sure I was safely strapped in with my doors locked, windows up, and car started before shifting in gear and taking off.

I screeched off like a roaring wolf in the distance of neighborhood dwelling street punks. There was not a single person a live that could stop my roar, not standing on there own two feet that is.

I raged across the night, through Hollywood and down Sunset, blazing and crazing from bar to bar look for whatever middle class yet decent looking female to bed and breakfast, unless she's not into breakfast at which point i'll get the general vibe and take off unless i'm just being a douche and do it regardless.

I'll awake Monday morning only to look forward to the following weekend, where it will begin again, anew.

Taking on new meaning, I head into the weekend. One full five second stop at a time.

No California-Rolls.

Sushi is tight.

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