
Monday, March 31, 2014

End of the World Question and Answer

End of the World Question and Answer

The earth is shaking, it's the end of the world and the world is about to explode, what do you do?

One Rule: If you try to warn ANYONE, it will EXPLODE!

Well, simple I simply take advantage of this time to do everything I never did while the Earth wasn't about to explode. I'd probably sky dive, catch fireflies, butterflies, play rugby, get in a bar fight, go to an orgy, kill someone, shoot an AA-12 shotgun, snowboard, air-drop snowboard out of a helicopter, sky-board, perhaps maybe have some gourmet steak from the world's finest chef. followed by a date with Scarlet Johansson. Afterwards, i'd probably visit the heads of all the major religions and of course the world's smartest scientists and ask them everything I can about the afterlife. I would then attempt to democratize Somalia, conquer Afghanistan, and find Atlantis. I would also fight through the war-stricken trenches of War 3 for Atlantis emerging as Leader of Everything. Then, as I was about to die as Leader of Everything, I would ask the people if they want to come with me and, lovingly they would say "Yes!" I mean who isn't polite when you're about to die right? Then I would tell them of the End and we'd all go together.

Yep, that just about sums up what i'd do with the rest of my life and the rest of everyone else's. I now, pretty bad-ass right? Dabs.

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