
Monday, March 31, 2014



You know you never really realize how easy Mathematics is until you can do it with your eyes closed.

You never really like something until you're really good at it. When you're really good at something it's incredibly easy to like simply for the fact that you've never or rarely are bad at it. If you enjoy something that you aren't really good at but so-so, perfect it, it makes it that much better. It make take time That's normal.

Cyborgs, let discuss Cyborgs.

So Cyborgs are essentially robots.The difference is that a Cyborg has both organic and mechanical parts to it. Kind of like a cybernetic half and half. Like a organic/mechanical cross-breed.

Basically, since organic organisms like humans are flesh and mechanical organisms are typically metal, a Cyborg is a cross between both. They also tend to be incredibly good at blending as they are partly products of biological and mechanical engineering making them nothing to be trifled with. If you've ever seen the Terminator then you would think oh, that's a cyborg. Wrong. That's a Robot, wearing human flesh as a skin.

Think Cyborg from Teen Titans, an ACTUAL human cyborg whose largely controlled by his human brain but whose body is largely robotic in nature. As he is literally HALF man, and HALF robot, he is LITERALLY a Cyborg.

Androids, Robots, and Steampunks are all quite different and should not be confused.

Wiki them up for more info!

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