
Monday, March 31, 2014

Abraham Lincoln was a Grammar Nazi

Abraham Lincoln was a Grammar Nazi

So apparently Abraham Lincoln was a Grammar Nazi. Yup, just found out actually. You know it could be so much worse. Abraham Lincoln also had a high-pitched voice. I can only imagine Abraham Lincoln, a high-pitched grammar nazi, giving a state of the union address. In fact, the reason they call him "Honest Abe" was because he was so honest....about grammatical errors. 

Abraham was well known for his grammarian stature and was noted for his Grammatical Precision while giving his famous "Four Score" speech to the Union Army. Many believed this enforcement of strict adherence to grammar was a way of compensating for his high pitch. Others believe it was his way of  humiliating others preemptively as they often did him.

The World May Never Know.

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